You can share your own suggestions too via the comments. If I like them, I may even include them in the next instalment!
In no particular order, here are this month's entries...
#131: Improve yields on longer recipes
There's plenty I could complain about when it comes to recipes, but on this occasion I want to focus on the disparity between duration and yield. It has always been the case that the longer the dish the poorer it becomes statistically, in terms of profit, portions and XP gain.
In some ways this makes a bit of sense. After all shorter dishes need to be monitored more closely due to their shorter window of opportunity to serve up before going rotten. And ultimately it's in Storm8's interests to keep you logging in more regularly.
But for me that isn't enough to overcome the main problem: a longer recipe hogs your appliance for longer, and so shouldn't be significantly inferior. The more patience you display the more you should be rewarded. If anything the longer foods should have the more appealing numbers. Unless you're out of town what's the point of cooking a lengthy recipe beyond mastery if it's not going to provide at least the same goodness as a short option?
Take the example of the Bruschetta and Peking Duck on the Basic Oven. Both are unlocked at level 31, and are of 3 hour and 46 hour length respectively. Here's the comparison of their yields per hour:
Bruschetta | Peking Duck | |
667 | Profit per hour | 259 |
15.3 | XP per hour | 7.4 |
242 | Portions per hour | 80 |
Why oh why would you ever choose to cook the duck when life allows either choice? Whether it involves altering existing recipe stats or a change of tact with new additions, the gamemakers really need to take a look at this.
#132: Introduce half floor tiles
One of the sections in my restaurant at Halloween has formed around the use of several different floor tiles.
Crime scene section of The Garlic Tree |
Although I was very happy with the outcome, it's not what I'd describe as perfection. That's because the pool of blood in the corner has a jagged edge. This is an undesirable result of the tiles being square in shape.
What I'd like to see are half floor tiles, which only cover a diagonal half of the floor. This would allow us to form more curved shapes, and prevent the rather 'digital' border I've got above. I could imagine this being very popular, and it wouldn't necessarily require a whole new range of flooring in the market. There could be a simple toggle to switch between full and half tiles, making it nice and easy to switch between the two.
#133: Stop adding knob parts
I've vented about this in update posts, and now it's time to let rip in the Suggestions Box! Over the course of this year there have been 15 new parts added which are a form of knob, and that includes each of the last eight.
![]() |
Knob parts added in 2015 |
That's way too many and gives a real sense of laziness on the part of the game's developers. And when you look at some of the designs the weariness only grows. The perfect example is the McIntosh Knob which is essentially made up of an apple attached to a knob. I mean, come on!
There are enough very well designed parts in the game for us to know that Storm8 are capable of coming up with interesting parts, so they should really go back to the drawing board and apply some innovation.
#134: Allow all items to be fully rotated
This suggestion comes from the almighty Laura Beth. At present the only items in the game which can be rotated in all four directions are chairs and selected appliances and counters. At times this can be quite debilitating as we are left unable to position items exactly how we want to.
Previous Suggestion Box posts
31/10/15 October 2015
26/09/15 September 2015
29/08/15 August 2015
25/07/15 July 2015
29/06/15 June 2015
26/09/15 September 2015
29/08/15 August 2015
25/07/15 July 2015
29/06/15 June 2015
Take the combination of the Trick-or-Treaters and Haunted House that so many players used this past Halloween. Laura was among them and thinks it would be great to be able to rotate the Trick-or-Treaters so that they're heading towards the Haunted House rather than away from it. I completely agree - little alterations like that can completely change the dynamic of a scene and open up new possibilities.
So I ask Storm8 to start thinking about full rotation capability when they begin the process of producing an item for the game. I understand that this would require more work from the design team, but it would certainly earn many votes of approval from around the community.
#135: Add a different tree for each season
This one came to me while I was writing the post for the goals update a couple of weeks ago. Right now there's only one proper full blown tree has been in the market, that being the Fallen Tree. From what I've seen it's a very popular decoration, and is currently being utilised considerably at my place.
Forest section of The Garlic Tree including Fallen Trees |
But what would be really cool is a new tree with every season. And it could just be the same tree again and again but with smart alterations to make it relevant to the time of year. So next month the tree could be heaving with the weight of coloured lights and bobbles for Christmas. Then into next year there could be snow accumulating on branches. Come Spring there would be the beautiful blossoming and in Summer a rich tree with all manner of creatures and fruits making it home.
There are literally scores of ways to present a tree, and I strongly urge Storm8 to consider such a concept. There could even be a version of the tree which has fresh cloves of garlic hanging from it!
I would love, and maybe you've said this at some point before, but I would LOVE the opportunity to complete the goals I missed from not being there since day one. I think once one hits level 99, every so many XP we should have a previous goal reopened. I HATE seeing them there unfinished when I look up other things and I NEED that glass bottomed boat!
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I'm not as fond of bakery story as I thought. Can't wait to hit level 16 and delete it!
I have discussed unlocking old goals before:
It wouldn't take a great deal of effort for Storm8 to implement since all the content is already set to go, so it should be simple enough. I even suggested charging a modest gem fee to access each goal set, so it would even benefit Storm8!
Sorry to hear you've changed your mind on BS2. You sounded so enthusiastic about it before! :)
I am level 50+ yes I love some of the previous goals which are lock, would gladly spend gems to unlock, but I beg to differ...many would hate me for saying this.
DeleteIf this allows, I will stop playing RS daily because I know even if I am lazy I can unlock the 4x4 with gems later...
Dun get me wrong I do love a lot of the lock old goals but I am also thinking what happens if they allow it
The bots are adorable and I love the "to go" feature, but I hate that everything cooks so quickly! I want to play for 5 minutes and get out. It sucks me back in! It's cool though. I already play RS 1 and 2 and Castle Story so I needed another regular game like I need a hole in my head!
DeleteI think that's a really interesting perspective. The fact that you'll never get another shot at the goal items is a big motivator for doing the goals in the first place, so such a feature would remove that.
Ultimately on balance I still think I'd rather they did re-release goal sets, but your opinion is certainly worthy! :)
Can people stil add lorettasapron? I added twice but no respond. I would love a look around the garlic tree.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly can still add lorettasapron. You won't get a response from me from that account, but having sent the invite if you visit the restaurant (Lilac Hill) there's a message from The Garlic Tree on the wall which will allow you to pay a visit. :)
DeleteWhat is the storm8 ID of Lilac Hill restaurant?
DeleteThe Storm8 ID is lorettasapron. It's my secondary account which I don't actually play, but it does offer a gateway to my main restaurant, The Garlic Tree. :)
DeleteI have sent but got no response... :(
DeleteIs Lilac Hill popping up as an invited neighbour? It should do, and you should visit it and visit the wall. I've posted from my main account on there which will allow you to visit. :)
DeleteYep, it popped up... My restaurant name is "The Chef's" accept my invitation :-)
DeleteAs I mentioned before, I don't accept invites on that account. But if you visit Lilac Hill there's a post from my main account on the wall which will allow you to visit. :)
DeleteThx so much. I quess after playing for so long the game still has secrets. Never knew it worked like that. Left you a little msg on your wall. Feel free to have a look and leave a comment about my place.
ReplyDeleteThx for allowing me a peek in your kitchen :-)