A removal of 'Winter holiday content' took place on Tuesday 7th January 2014. Only Christmas content was removed. More information can be found here.
Let me take you back to 3rd January 2013...
A pop-up
appears to every player on every TeamLava game, and it informs that all
holiday content from 2012 will be removed on the 7th. Chaos ensues as
players frantically try to decide what is and what isn't 'holiday
content', before invading Design mode to buy up items expected to go and
desperately trying to master seasonal recipes.
It was a
bit of a shambles in all honesty. Only four days notice of a whole raft
of unnamed items and dishes being removed with no promise of any
returning at any time in the future. So as that time approaches again, here's a
guide as to what you should do.
The definition of
'holiday content' is a dodgy one - Valentine's Day, Halloween and
Christmas clearly all fall into this bracket, but what about Summer, Autumn, Carnival and Cruise themed items? So for the sake of taking no
chances I'm going to class anything added this year as at risk.