In no particular order, here are this month's entries...
#116: Offer special deals to all players
The introduction of the Gem Dispenser last week was exciting stuff, but only for iOS users. As has been the case with the various Value Packs and Bundles since the start of the year, Androiders have been excluded from this special deal, with only iOS players able to partake. Moreover the most recent Value Pack appeared to be offered only to those iOS users who have not previously made a gem purchase.
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Notification for Gem Dispenser |
Something needs to be done. The platform disparity has been present for too long now, and the gem dispenser has really flagged it up big time. The Android community is large enough that it makes a significant contribution to the game, so this is certainly not an issue which can just be swept under the carpet.
I can only assume that the problem is of the technical variety. There's no financial sense in the gamemakers excluding Androiders (unless they have shares in Apple of course!) so there must be a coding issue or special rule exists which prevents some in-game promotions. Whatever the problem I'd prefer Storm8 to come out and tell us and, if possible, offer up a remedy which evens the playing field.
#117: Add recipes to basic appliances
The return of new appliances outside of goals is very much welcomed after a long barren spell, but it has come to the detriment of the basic appliances. None of the Basic Stove, Basic Oven, Basic Grill and Drink Machine have been given a new recipe in a long time now. Indeed you have to go back to the Hawaiian update at the end of April for the last fresh foods not on a new cooker.
Before that we'd been on a run of lots of new recipes on the basic appliances, so the sudden dearth does seem to have been very deliberate on the game's developers part. Do they feel there are too many dishes already on the basic appliances? Or do they prefer us to be stunted by the need to construct cookers? Whatever the case, I'm not keen on the current state of play.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't got a problem with new non-goals appliances. We went an extremely long time without one and it was great to see them return, but for me Storm8 have gone too much the other way now. A balance is needed - perhaps one non-goals appliance per month would be nicer, with any other new recipes added to the basic cookers.
#118: Bring back new item LTOs
Has anyone else noticed that all the limited time offers over the last few months have been re-releases of old content? I don't have a massive problem with this - after all its always nice to have the opportunity to get hold of an item which had previously been consigned to history. But I'd prefer a mix of old and new with the LTOs.
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Pirate Fountain LTO |
There's something exciting about completely new items being available for only a short time. Plenty of players will disagree, not least because they usually come at a steep price. I get that, but if you've saved up enough gems there's an opportunity to get hold of a really valuable piece which few others will have. I guess the same can be said of re-releases too, but by default there's going to be more widespread holders of LTOs which have come around on multiple occasions.
#119: Add a Bollywood theme
In July we had an Indian themed update which I really enjoyed. I think there's scope to take this theme further, and an update revolving around Bollywood is the obvious choice.
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Items from Indian themed update as shown on Storm8 Blog |
#120: Be prompt with upcoming seasonal sales
As we enter the highly anticipated period of the year which will take in Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas, the obvious suggestion to make is for lots of seasonal sales. But I've done that before, so instead I'm going to take a different slant.
Previous Suggestion Box posts
At times in the past, sales have been offered at awkward times. The prime example is last Halloween, when we were all begging for old content to be re-released. In the end it was, but only two days before the 31st, which was something of a let down!
It's really in Storm8's interests to deliver any sales nice and early. In the world of Restaurant Story players are very punctual with the seasonal specials - many have already redecorated for Autumn and I'm sure we'll be seeing ghosts and ghouls in some diners very soon. So there's no harm in the game's developers setting their stall early. People will participate in such sales, certainly moreso than one which comes just prior to the big event.
Thank you for bringing the platform disparity issue to the forefront with this post :) It's disheartening to see how excluded Android and Kindle players have been. I'm not sure about Bundles, necessarily (they seem to have been replaced by Value Packs anyhow), but surely Value Packs can be implemented across all three platforms? Didn't S8 (or TL, as it was known back then) use to give rewards for gem purchases back in the day to iOS and Android?? I wasn't playing at the time, but the functionality seems similar, at least to me. :(
ReplyDeleteI'll disagree with #118 PURELY because I'm now in Black Friday-savings mode, but I agree; some new, non-platform-specific LTOs would have been nice to see this year. But the year's not over yet! ;)
I feel like S8 has been delivering pretty well with the timing of sales (#120's concern) this year so far! The Valentine's sale was extensive and well-planned, I thought, and others (at least in Bakery, which I seem to recall better) like the St. Patrick's Day sale and Easter Sale were also long, and occurred before their respective holiday. I hope S8 keeps up the trend moving into the autumn and winter months :)
And, I know Black Friday is the main sale focus in November, but I really really hope we get a Thanksgiving sale consisting of past goal items (hint hint Leaf Pile hint hint). I rather like how S8 re-released some of those this year, even if that meant removing the items from the market afterward.
Also on the topic of November: it's not exactly Bollywood, but we could get a Diwali update :) It falls on 10-11 November this year (the 11th's a Wednesday!), and it would be great to showcase some of what you were talking about in #119.
Ack, now I'm rambling. Going to go read some more posts :)
I'm actually hoping to write a post comparing the platforms, so any insight would be very useful! As an Androider you may be better placed to judge what's good and bad although obviously if you've not played on iOS then comparisons are tricky. And as for Kindle, I don't really know much of anything about it! Is it still within the Android side of things or is it a completely separate platform?
DeleteI'd actually forgotten about the seasonal sales earlier in the year! They were good! I guess I tend to link sales with the latter stages of the year due to all the different events coming up (especially Black Friday). Here's hoping it does turn out to be a corker!
Have you suggested a Diwali theme on the forums before? It's definitely one I'd be interested in, and the timing means it could even be used for a goal set. :)
I have suggested it before! :) First on the RS Holiday and Suggestion thread from last year (, and later in the Bakery Story suggestions forums in more depth ( The focus is definitely more on sweets for that particular festival, but there are enough savory recipes associated with Diwali that it could go really well for RS too (although, we'd definitely need a fryer if that happened ;) ). Or, S8 could do something like they did for CNY, with a savory appliance and a dessert appliance :)
DeleteWow! I hadn't seen your BS post before - such depth! You've definitely got me even more pumped for more Indian themed stuff, and Diwali would be the perfect opportunity for Storm8 to do it. Although if they do, you should demand some pay! :D