The first such challenge was the Puppy Games cruise event launched on 5th January.
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Notification for Puppy Games cruise event |
The merging of puppies and the Super Bowl into a single theme occurred 12 months ago with a traditional goal set. This isn't the first case of a past event being adapted for a cruise, and nor would it be the last. At least in the case of this theme there is some benefit to having multiples of some of the prizes - the likes of the Puppy Team A and Puppy Team B are cute individually, but when placed together you can actually form a proper squad to take on the Patriots and Falcons! Anyone who already owns a set of them has the prospect of doing just that with another collection.
For completing this cruise the regular visits of Reggie the Referee was the reward. Bringing with her Hot Pepper Sauce for making Spicy Chicken Wings on the Celebration Stove, this was the first new gem producing dish added to the Celebration Stove for some time. I can only assume that Storm8 are trying to even up the two gem making appliances since there are fewer on the Celebration Stove now than the Jubilee Oven. But that begs the question - why not just add a third gem producing cooker?!
On we go and the Campfire Cookout goals arrived midway through January.
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Introduction to Campfire Cookout goals |
And just like the cruise before it, this quest featured a selection of decor which we've seen before, again around a year previously. This included the Campfire Stove which previously held seven recipes but now boasts 10. The Steak Skewers, Chicken Kabob and Ultimate Campfire Combo were all added for this goal set, with the last of them acting as the final prize for finishing the tasks.
To get hold of all three recipes required the preparation of a certain number of Roasted Marshmallows which themselves were made from Marshmallows. Yancy the Yeti was the source of the raw ingredient, with clocking in for his visits imperative.
Given that these goals were supposed to be winter themed I can't help but wonder what was going through the gamemakers' heads when they opted for these three recipes as the new additions. They couldn't be less connected with winter. But hey, I can't complain too much since the Ultimate Campfire Combo is a corker on the statistical front with its 150 coins per plate akin to some of the leading stamp dishes. And for anyone who has only started playing in the last year this event presented a nice opportunity to get hold of a number of recipes which would otherwise remain unattainable.
And now we move on to the Valentine's Day cruise event which kicked off this past Thursday.
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Notification for Valentine's Day cruise event |
And this cruise makes it a hat trick of events recycling old content. Even the special character involved is very familiar, with Frank being the bane of my existence when he first appeared around Valentine's in 2015. Back then he delivered Valentine's Cards which were used to unlock each of the recipes on the Valentine Oven, much like Roasted Marshmallows removed the padlock on the Campfire Stove dishes.
That event was in my early days of playing Restaurant Story 2, and my lack of resources meant I was unable to unlock the final recipe, the Heartberry Tart. A Community Manager on the Storm8 Forum has confirmed that Frank will deliver Valentine's Cards on his visits after completing the cruise, and so I finally have my chance to get hold of the tart! It's just a shame for newbies that the oven itself hasn't as yet been re-released for purchase.
Of course the cards won't be all that Frank leaves behind in our diners. He'll also be delivering a special ingredient used to prepare a new gem making recipe, Sweetheart Swiss Roll. On this occasion we're flipping back to the Jubilee Oven, where this becomes the 11th gem producing entry and 21st in all.
And over the last few days, the game's developers have given us the opportunity to increase our gem flow. An additional Jubilee Oven can now be purchased in the market for 500 gems. This has never been advertised as far as I'm aware, but there is a notification in the featured tab of the market.
RS2 News
07/01/17 January 2017
03/12/16 December 2016
05/11/16 November 2016
08/10/16 October 2016
03/09/16 September 2016
03/12/16 December 2016
05/11/16 November 2016
08/10/16 October 2016
03/09/16 September 2016
I've been calling for this option for some time, and so am pleased that Storm8 have finally caved in and allowed us the ability to have a second Jubilee Oven. Given the hefty investment I haven't pulled the trigger just yet, although with little else of note to spend my gems on at the moment I expect that I will ultimately choose to buy it.
Of course waiting for it to go on sale would be the canny decision to make. However how long might it take for that to happen? I daresay that between now and such a time you'll probably be able to make up the difference from a sale just by having that extra source of gem income. But having said that, since I got my second Celebration Stove I've found myself focusing my attention on the non-gem making dishes which had until that time been mostly untouched.
And that is it for your monthly dose of news for the sequel game. I realise that these posts are generally getting shorter and probably quite predictable and monotonous, but sadly that's a fair reflection of the state of play in the game. It's good for newcomers to get a shot at some of the content of previous years, but for those who have been around since day one there's less and less reason to keep going.
Indeed it's pretty rare now that we get any new content other than some recipes, which is in total contrast to the original title. That has contributed massively to my complete lack of motivation to redecorate - yes folks, The Onion Bush is still decked out for the Olympics! One rainy day I will get round to changing things up hopefully, but sadly I just don't have the inclination to put much effort into a game which its developers aren't even putting much effort into.
Now go away and read any post on here about the original game to cheer yourself up!
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