As far back as 2011 the developers of Restaurant Story have made Black Friday a special day in the game, with various different sales and events which have led to delirium and despair down the years. And although there can never be any guarantee that 2017 will take up the reins, you should be preparing for the possibility.
Previous special sales
And to help you be set for the big day, I've cobbled together a 10-point Q&A outlining some of the goodies that could be coming our way on the 24th...
#1 - When will the sale start?
Well as already mentioned, the date with destiny is Friday 24th November, so you shouldn't expect any goodies before that. However something you should be on the lookout for beforehand is an in-game notification that something special is coming.
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Notification for Black Friday 2016 |
Typically a pop-up window on the Thursday teases that there will be something worth checking in for, and it could give one or two clues regarding exactly what is going to be featuring.
As for a precise start time, there's not really a set in stone answer. Historically reset time (08:00 GMT) was the standard, but last year it wasn't until around the usual update time (18:30 GMT) that the gamemakers pulled back the curtain. And these days updates don't tend to drop until much later so there would be a long and torturous wait for the Black Friday shenanigans.
#2 - What content will be included?
This is very much up in the air, but taking into account past experiences there are four categories of content in particular which you should be hoping for. Those are existing market items heavily reduced in price, previous limited time offers, box prizes and old removed stuff. The latter is typically of a seasonal nature, with Christmas tending to gain a certain amount of prominence. This was illustrated to its fullest extent in 2015.
Floor decorations usually make up the majority of the sales, as do gem buys (as opposed to coin content), with the volume variable. In 2015 and 2016 only five standard items were thrust into the Black Friday spotlight, whereas 2013 and 2014 yielded 21 and 20 pieces respectively. The high number of items which have been included in seasonal sales throughout this year points towards a more generous range for the big day, but there are no guarantees.
In terms of box prizes being made available out of the box, this is a classic feature of Black Friday, and has often meant really attractive decor for outstanding prices. But as per question #3 below, we probably shouldn't get too excited about that possibility.
#3 - How about boxes?
There's no doubt about it - 2016 was the year of the crates. Twelve months ago all but the three most recently released boxes were made available for 50% off. Just picture the scene - a remarkable 68 boxes slashed to 12 gems a pop, leaving players with no idea where to start. Of course the crates do come with that element of risk that purchasing a standard decoration doesn't have, so there are ups and downs to such a sale.
It's notable that discounted chests have been a signature of pretty much every seasonal sale in 2017, which surely makes the likelihood of a mass box discount event like that of last year fairly high.
#4 - Any chance the Gem Dispenser will return?
The Gem Dispenser with its drop of one gem every 12 hours was initially introduced for iOS users in August 2015 at 50% off its whopping standard price of 450 gems. It has enjoyed a discount deal on both Black Fridays since its release, with a 40% off special in 2015 before another 50% cutback in 2016.
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Notification for initial sale on Gem Dispenser |
But following last year's event the Gem Dispenser was, well, dispensed with, much to the dismay of many players. It is threatening to become a staple of Black Friday, but having not graced the market in twelve months there's no telling if Storm8 have opted to retire this game-changing tool. If it does make a heroic return the thing to watch out for most will be whether it turns up on Android devices as to date it has never been available for Android players. Could 2017 be the year that changes?
#5 - And could expansions go on sale?
Sales on expansions haven't exactly been a tradition on Black Friday in Restaurant Story. In fact there haven't been any, but in 2016 the game's developers did add five new expansions on Black Friday. Considering the coin costs of these, the band of players who refuse to expand using gems are now miles off being fully expanded, so the chances of more expansions being added are probably quite low.
As for a discount on the expansions already out there, it is possible, although improbable. We had 25% off the gem expansions in April 2015 but to date that is the only one I can recall. However if ever there was a time for a rare event to repeat itself it is Black Friday, and therefore my advice would be to hold off on executing any expansions between now and the 24th.
#6 - Will there be a gem sale?
A sale on gem buys was a mainstay of Black Friday until last year. The ritual was for Storm8 to give a 40% discount on gem purchases across the community, but in 2016 everyone just got the typical 20% or 30% deals which are seen on a regular basis.
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Limited time 40% off gems offer |
#7 - How long will all this last?
As with the start time, there's no hard and fast rule. Twelve months ago the sale ran until the following Tuesday which gave players lots of time to ponder their sales strategy. However prior to 2016 the form was for the sale to initially run on the Friday only, with some of the content sometimes returning on the Saturday and Sunday at higher prices.
The message you should take from this is to do your business on the day if possible. I've seen enough outrage in the past due to players ending up paying inflated prices to secure that all important decoration later in the weekend. And don't try and be clever and wait for some fresh specials on Cyber Monday - in 2013 there was a fresh 40% off sale on gems but otherwise Storm8 don't tend to give any added bonuses at the start of the working week that follows the weekend drama.
#8 - When exactly will the sale end?
Past performance suggests that the timeframe given for the conclusion of Black Friday sales should not be trusted. This was demonstrated in all its glory in 2014 when the reductions were pulled around four hours before the advertised end time. Cue derision.
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Limited time offer with supposed deadline from Black Friday 2014 |
Fortunately on that occasion the game's developers took pity and returned all the goodies, but in a similar situation this year this cannot be guaranteed. So my earlier advice deserves a second mention - get your purchases done on the Friday. This will save the stress that comes with the rug being pulled from beneath your feet.
In spite of this, I do suggest against the bull in a china shop approach. Be considered in your approach to Black Friday, as the kind of opportunities afforded by this annual event seldom come along at any other time. In particular, if the sale is box heavy as it was in 2016 you should consider your options and undertake some studious budgeting. As sad as it sounds, the planning and pondering is one of my favourite aspects of the day. Just don't leave it too close to the deadline!
#9 - Could we get a Thanksgiving sweepstake?
In 2012 and 2013 unique sweepstakes were held in conjunction with the game. In 2012 every batch of Waffles which was served over Thanksgiving weekend was converted into a raffle ticket for a 1,000 gem prize draw. And in 2013 every dollar spent on gems on Black Friday by US based players aged 18 and over was converted into a raffle ticket for a shot at a 250 gem prize.
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Information window for Thanksgiving sweepstake in 2012 |
Clearly the first of these was the superior event considering that it was inclusive of every player, and even five years on is an event which sticks with me. It was pretty special to see everyone out in force with their griddles - it was truly an occasion which brought the whole community together, with more than 12 million batches of Waffles reported to have been served during the sweepstake window. Everyone genuinely seemed to believe that they had a shot at the jackpot.
So I'd recommend ensuring that come reset time on the 24th your appliances are clear. The odds of a sweepstake are quite long, but you'll be kicking yourself if you miss out because a set of Roast Chickens are maturing in the oven.
#10 - Should we bear in mind future sales?
As already touched upon, we've had seasonal sales all through 2017, and therefore it is only natural to assume that there will be something headed our way in Decemher that is Christmas related. And bearing in mind the spectrum of festive decor that has graced Restaurant Story down the years, such a sale could be wide-ranging.
Consequently you should try and be disciplined with your gem spending on Black Friday. Of course it is tempting to just throw your hands up in the air and go on a spending spree, but imagine the frustration if you end up having to sit out a glittering Christmas sale. This point was most pertinent in 2014 when the lack of box prizes meant that the Black Friday offerings were considered a serious let down. The gamemakers took note and conjured up a stunning array of deals in the lead up to Christmas. So as tempting as it may be to just empty your gem bag, the greater picture needs some consideration.
I hope this post has provided some insight from a veteran player, particularly for those newbies who are about to experience the Black Friday bonanza for the first time. Until the big day arrives, all that's left to say is - save your gems!
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