Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Game update: 30/07/14

This week's update puts us up with the clouds, as we take in a cloud theme.

Notification for Clouds update

Here's a list containing all the new additions, which are unlocked at level 72...

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Suggestions Box (Jul 2014)

Every month I list five things I'd like to see added, altered or abolished from the game. Because even though my long time of playing Restaurant Story clearly shows I love it, that doesn't mean it's perfect. Some of the ideas I'll air will be significant game changers while others will be low-key and irrelevant in the eyes of many of you readers.

In no particular order, here are this month's entries...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Game update: 23/07/14

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Notification for Ice Cream update

This is a box update with the delicious theme of ice cream. The only new item is the Ice Cream Crate, a 24 gem purchase which when selected will provide you with a lucky dip. What you get depends on how lucky you are (or perhaps how rich!)

So what could you win? Well the the TeamLava Blog has a glimpse of all the new content:

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Recipe ratings (6 hours)

Information in this post is correct as of Saturday 19th July 2014.

It's back to the recipe ratings trail this weekend with the 6 hour dishes under the spotlight.

Firstly some general information. There are 34 recipes of 6 hour length in total. However of these 13 are goal recipes and six are either removed or on removed appliances. That leaves only 15 dishes which are standard recipes available to all.

 Previous recipe rating posts
 21/06/14 5 hours
 07/06/14 4 hours
 24/05/14 3 hours
 10/05/14 2 hours
 26/04/14 1 hour

Getting into individual foods then, we'll start with the profit and portions factors. In the case of the 6 hour bracket these two variables come hand-in-hand as only the Burritos (Basic Stove) doesn't offer 4 coins per plate. There are two dishes which rise to the top, and by some margin:

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Game update: 16/07/14

This week we're hitting the pool table to pot some balls!

Notification for Pool update

Here's a comprehensive list of new content:

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Riverboat goals content report

Last week saw the release a new goal set. The theme was a riverboat trip, and there were some goodies to unlock by completing the goals. So let's take a look at all the prizes...

As always, two of the focal points of the goals were the pair of new appliances. The Riverboat Oven and Fish Stand are integral to the goals, and so justify some discussion. The Riverboat Oven was the first to be unlocked - and here comes the first TeamLava error in this update - it didn't need parts for construction. This is unusual, although not unheard of. But shortly after the goals went live the Riverboat Oven did require construction. So a drop of the ball by the game's developers there.

Meanwhile the Fish Stand is a 2x1 sized appliance. It is nice to get a bit of variety in the appearance of the cookers in the game, but the larger appliances are a real problem to me as I can't really fit them into my restricted kitchen section. The end result is that I've not got much space for anything other than the Fish Stands, and so with fewer appliances bubbling away my counters empty quickly.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

You can't have your cake and eat it

The information in this post holds only for when the Technicolor Cake is prepared on the EASY Oven - thanks to Black Pepper for that detail!

A couple of weeks ago the Technicolor Cake was added to Restaurant Story.

It is no ordinary recipe. At the time of writing, the cake yields 258 XP for 6 hours of work. But only 123 XP is given when the cake is served. The remaining 135 XP is rewarded just for preparing it!

Technicolor Cake

I'm almost certain that this is an error on TeamLava's part and that it will be fixed eventually. But while this flaw exists, let's have a think about the implications...

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Riverboat goals (in full)

Please note that this set of goals expired on Monday 11th August 2014.

With the latest update comes a new set of goals.

There are five items from the Riverboat update which can only be obtained by working through the goals. You've got 34 days to complete the goals, so the likely end date is Monday 11th August.

Here's the complete list of goal steps:

Game update: 09/07/14

It's goals time again! And these goals revolve around a trip on a riverboat.

Notification for Riverboat update

Of course lots of the new content can only be unlocked via the goals, but here is the obligatory list nevertheless:

  • Riverboat - locked by goal

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

A farmers market from the 60s!

I'm back in business, and there's lots to discuss from the last couple of weeks.

There were two updates while I was away on a break. The first was a Farmers Market theme released on Wednesday 25th June:

Notification for Farmers Market update

The items added were the Organic Table, Organic Stool, Fresh Produce wall decoration, Farmers Market Stand, Vegetable Display, Organic wallpaper and Organic counter. It's all unlocked at level 72.