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Introduction to pirate themed goals |
We're being invaded by pirates with this update, with a range of new content. As usual when there are goals in the offing some of the decor can be bought straight off the bat, while others are locked away and can only be obtained via the numerous tasks.
Here is your complete list of additions:
- Helm Table - 19,000 coins
- Framed Seahorses - 14,000 coins
- Pirate Pand-Arr - 17,000 coins
- Seashell Shelf - 26,000 coins
- Manatee - 50,000 coins
- Mermaids Ahoy! - locked by goal
- Mermaid Scales - 8,000 coins
- Mermaid Tail - 8,000 coins
- Jolly Roger Oven - locked by goal
- Shell Oven - locked by goal
- Hula Counter - 21,000 coins
So there are 11 items in total, and unusually just the one floor decoration awaits unlocking through the goals. Taking this into consideration my automatic thought was that we were dealing with a shortened goal set, but with 16 days on the clock at the outset and two appliances padlocked this is certainly not the case.
A pirate theme has been covered before in Restaurant Story, although you'd be forgiven for forgetting that fact considering that it was four years ago. There were two pirate based updates in August 2013, consisting of a standard release and a box. But at a glance this isn't really focused upon a pirate theme - instead we have a selection of marine based items, with only the Pirate Pand-Arr and Jolly Roger Oven truly giving it the 'shiver me timbers' slant. Otherwise it's just a seaside style update, but after the winter in July debacle I'm more than happy with that.
Before I start the analytical proceedings, it has to be said that we once again have some crossover with Bakery Story, the sister game. This has been creeping in of late, and on this occasion I reckon there are exactly half of the new decorations are imports from Bakery Story, including both appliances. This is a reasonable ratio in my book - if this is what it takes to keep updates coming semi-regularly then so be it.
Among the cloned stuff is the Helm Table which depicts a ship's wheel on its side and topped by a circular glass surface. There's nothing particularly exciting about this wheel, with the uninspiring dark brown matched with the all too familiar glass top. But what is most notable here is the absence of a corresponding chair. Instead we are pointed towards the Coral Chair during the goals, but this seat was already on the market having been introduced alongside the under the sea themed goals, again in August 2013.
Why not include the Ship Wheel chair from Bakery Story? Instead we have only a partially related chair, and one which is not new at all for anyone whose game goes back far enough.
The other two readily available additions are the Pirate Pand-Arr and Manatee. The former is a fourth prize in Bakery Story's Pirate Chest, whilst the latter has been kicking around for over a year. The panda looks a proper pirate, not due to the eye patch or bandana, but because of the unhappy look on its face. That face does lose it points though - I quite like the idea of having this panda next to my Ping Pong Table which has a panda competitor, but that sulky look is a turn off.
Previous pirate themed updates
The Manatee is a biggie at 3x3, and like the panda gives those players with a passion for animals a new and unique option for their diners. The shading of the beast is vital in this case, with the darkening colour scheme as you move down the Manatee crucial in conveying the sense that this is a helfy and imposing animal.
The last of the available floor decorations added is totally new in Storm8 Land to the best of my knowledge. Unlike with the Manatee, the Seashell Shelf is diminutive, with a three-shelf unit standing moderately tall and filled with shells and the like collected at the beach. This is an understated item and therefore I'm finding it fairly difficult to pass comment, but I will offer up some appreciation for the dirt and scrapes on the unit. The result is a weathered look which is highly appropriate given the rugged theme.
The shelf certainly contrasts with the Framed Seahorses which is pristine and clean. This is a wall decoration consisting of two seahorse prints on different coloured backgrounds. There's not much to it and it lacks a wow factor in my opinion.
On the other hand the Hula Counter is a proper eye-catcher thanks to its string of colourful flowers flowing around the side. It's similar to the Hula Table in Bakery Story, and leaves me wishing that we had received a table with the same style as the counter over here. It's a cheery counter ideal for the summer.
Lastly for now are the Mermaid Scales wallpaper and Mermaid Tail floor tile. I've grouped them together because they both feature a greyscale pattern, and although on the face of it they are very specialised entries, they are open to interpretation when you take a step back. The flooring can be treated as a cobbled street tile, while the wallpaper is ripe for a wall decoration to be hung up.
As for the last of the floor decorations, the two appliances and the recipes they contain, you're going to need to wait for my goals content report for some thoughts. In the meantime I urge you to take a visit to my dedicated post for the goals here.
My overall impression at this stage isn't all that positive if truth be told. I'm nowhere near as worked up as I was with the winter in July theme, but this update does feel as if it's missing some streamlining. Is it a pirate theme? Is it a mermaid theme? Is it a beach theme? Yes they are all connected, but there doesn't seem to be a really clear plan surrounding this update. Unfortunately it has the feel of another hastily assembled collection with a few never-before-seen items bolstered by somewhat similar content from Bakery Story.
I hope the goals have a positive effect on my feelings towards this update!
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