Friday 1 December 2017

Thanksgiving fun at The Garlic Tree

What with Black Friday being strung out as well as a release of new goals and a bout of flu, only now have I got round to preparing a tour of The Garlic Tree at Thanksgiving. And with Christmas set to sprinkle its magic over my place this weekend I better get this exhibition done!

Upon entering my restaurant you'll be met with a bustling farmer's market:

Farmer's market at The Garlic Tree

This year's harvest has certainly been a good one, with a vast range of goods and chattels on display. Will you fill a bag at Bell Beekeeper's Produce Stand? Maybe pick a tasty marmalade from the Jam Stand? Or just be a cheapskate and dive into the Yard Sale before joining the Apple Festival?!

Apart from the Yard Sale everything you see is organic and has been locally sourced. That includes both Barista Phoebe's Bean Bag which she procured from my bakery down the road and the Organic Stand. This huge mass of fruit and veg is run by the Rose Seller - she's spent enough time flogging roses in my diner over the years to be able to afford such a venture. Although the Flower Spill indicates that she's still pushing plants!

It's just as busy along the way where the Thanksgiving parade is in full swing:

Thanksgiving parade at The Garlic Tree

The Parade Car leads the way as the entire operation passes a section of Fallen Trees. The Turkey Parade Float is the heart and soul of the show, looking out over the treeline. The Mexican Dancer is doing her thing, although the Train Conductor may attempt to put a dampener on proceedings with his overused whistle.

 Want to visit The Garlic Tree?
 Invite the Storm8 ID 'lorettasapron' and visit the wall

Just imagine the look on the Leaf Pile girl's face if he did that! She's over the moon to see the parade passing through, and has leapt off the Maple Bench to get a closer look. The Mexican Dancer is her adopted hero and the Tandem Bike riders wouldn't disagree with that - they are tracking the parade through the Concrete streets.

But with it being the end of November the nights are beginning to draw in, so let's head inside and grab some supper, quite literally:

Turkey farm at The Garlic Tree

For the first time The Garlic Tree is housing a turkey farm so that the customers know exactly what they're getting this Thanksgiving. The Playful Parasol and Lake Fisher seem to have an appointment at the moment, with a number of Rustic Turkeys awaiting selection.

But it looks like one has chosen itself having made its way out of the pen to greet the Lake Dog and Frisbee Dog. Or perhaps it just wants to play ball...

Well once the deed is done I recommend traipsing through to the cabin where a feast is underway:

Cabin feast at The Garlic Tree

Cozy Cabin Comfort is the name of the game here, with lots of scope for cosying up to the fire and unwinding. There's no shortage of treats to satisfy your appetite, including a slice from the Pie Table or a delicacy from the cart of Thanksgiving Desserts.

And once your belly can't hold any more just collapse on the Cabin Couches. The Thanksgiving Centerpiece has been carefully decorated, and a faint Steampunk Lamp will help you get that well-deserved kip.

Of course a lazy Thanksgiving isn't for everyone. An alternative option is therefore on hand at my restaurant - a family feast:

Family feast at The Garlic Tree

Here we have a Thanksgiving Feast of epic proportions. The turkey is the centrepiece (rustically presented of course) but there's also tasty salads and desserts to be had and a beautiful surrounding, headlined by the Thanksgiving Display and Cornucopia which have been artistically crafted.

 Recent posts from The Garlic Tree
 29/10/17 Halloween 2017
 02/09/17 TGT Presents ... Nineteen Years Later
 05/08/17 Fifth anniversary party
 02/07/17 Annual revamp
 11/02/17 Valentine's Day 2017

The main feast sees the grown-ups eating with the older children, but the younger and more rowdy kids aren't sophisticated enough for that. Instead they have their own Kids' Thanks Table where tradition is replaced by hot dogs. But that's just not right, so having been hired by The Garlic Tree in the past week, Cookin' Mama is out to impress with a special roast. If anyone can sort out the diet of these little nippers it's Mama!

Once the kids have been safely tucked up in bed it'll be the turn of the adults to misbehave, and the bar is undoubtedly the best venue for that:

Bar at The Garlic Tree

Over Halloween the usual Fine Drinking Station at this spot was replaced by a laboratory, and now a Cider Bar has taken over. The Lounge Lizard and Pool Shark are very much missing their Pool Table, but as long as there is somewhere for them to quench their thirst (that'll be right!) they're happy enough. Here they are sampling the finest ciders available, and all to the soothing sound of Gran's Phonograph. Sounds like the perfect way to end your Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Hi.What is your ID? I can't find it. Please add me heinnah_me
