Sunday 24 December 2017

Christmas fun at The Garlic Tree

Christmas decorations up? All the shopping done? Presents wrapped? Then you're ready to come round to my restaurant, The Garlic Tree, for a hot drink and a treat to eat! My staff are working through the festive period in order to ensure the perfect Christmas experience for everyone who chooses to spend some of their holiday season indulging at my place.

Among those who have been staying during these cold times are the Ice Skating Girl and Santa's Helpers. Their Christmas won't be complete without the missing member of the family...

Snowy train station and foyer at The Garlic Tree

And there he is! The Train Conductor has whistled in the last Locomotive on Christmas Eve, and off steps the Snow Suit, clearly prepared for the blast of cold winter air when stepping off the carriage. But his loved ones will soon heat him up, and a Taxi Cab is waiting to take them home just in time to hear the bells of Christmas. It's a classic Christmas scene which truly warms the cockles.

And talking of warming up, Barista Phoebe has been doing her good deeds for the season. Armed with a Bean Bag, she's been handing out free cups of Gran-Gran's finest coffee to any passing travellers who require a pick-me-up. Jack Frost won't be among them - he's in his element and is sprinkling a snowman into life in the corner. Only at this time of year do you get magic like that.

Having said that, My Fair Gran-Gran is of course always full of magic, and she is running the show at The Garlic Tree as always. Standing over the Cash Register, you may wonder why Gran-Gran hasn't taken any well deserved leave this festive season. The answer is twofold. First of all she's got the sparkling Reindeer Display to look at. A dazzling array of lights, this sculpture has been uniquely designed for the foyer area and is a pristine work of art. Gran-Gran's other reason for hanging around is the choir singing.

Oh yes, it wouldn't be Christmas without the Carolers and Elf Greaters testing their tonsils to full effect at my diner. Singing from the Lyrics Sheet Stand, they've been well practised by Hanbok Phoebe, and even have the Drummer Drumming as a backing track. Every customer passes this heaven of sound as they arrive and depart the restaurant, and most pause to take in the beautiful voices.

Between the Nutcrackers we go, and into a main section which has been draped in gold...

Main section at The Garlic Tree

It's the third straight year that I've selected a gold themed central area, but I just love it too much to do anything else! The Ornament Ball Counters glint and work a treat with the Gold Columns, and with the Gilded Tree located in the middle we have a proper Christmas centrepiece. Fine Tables and Cozy Chairs are dotted around the outside, where the punters can settle down for their three-course marathon and enjoy the spectacular surroundings.

After a while away due to the various seasonal themes, the Fine Drinking Station is back and looking resplendent in its natural habitat. High class dining means high class drinks, and that pleases the Lounge Lizard no end. Luckily with it being Christmas he's no more tipsy than the next man (there's a change!) but will no doubt be making a fool of himself on the Holiday Piano before long.

 Want to visit The Garlic Tree?
 Invite the Storm8 ID 'lorettasapron' and visit the wall

Oh I forgot to mention we had musical accompaniment here didn't I? Yes, the piano is tuned and raring to go with any delicate seasonal songs you wish to hear, and if a rowdy reptile does get his claws on it the Holiday Choir will step in to drown him out. This year they've been working with the Crooner to produce some beautiful festive ballads, so expect the 2017 Christmas Number One to come from The Garlic Tree!

In an unexpected change of tact, some revellers are looking past Christmas altogether and instead forging ahead into 2018...

New Year party at The Garlic Tree

The New Year Party is starting early, with no shortage of razzmatazz. Whether you pick up a Midnight Glass or go full-on with the Party Cart, go and give the Mexican Dancer a partner so that she can show the Flamenco Dancers how it's done! The Violinist and Trumpet Player are both playing hard here, and what a good job they're doing. It looks like 2017 is being sent off in style.

For those wishing to conclude 2017 the long way, we do have a family who are waiting for the sound of Santa's sleigh knocking off some roof tiles...

Family get-together at The Garlic Tree

Capering under the Blanket Fort, it's fair to say that the excitement levels are rather high. Even the Little Helper is looking radiant at the prospect of Father Christmas stuffing himself down the chimney, and why not?! The kids have certainly worked hard to ensure that Santa has a good spot to offload any gifts - the Christmas Tree stands tall and is surrounded by the Holiday Express. Winding its way around the tree, if I'm not mistaken the kids have missed that Santa's already visited - there's presents in one of the carriages!

Further along Mum and Dad are savouring a Mistletoe Kiss, and given that the Snowman Chef is seeing to this year's Christmas dinner, why not?! With the Holiday Jukebox playing some vintage Christmas songs (after all, 'does your Granny always tell you that the old ones the the best?') it's going to be a heck of a meal. This family are even lucky enough to have a direct link to the world famous TGT kitchen, where Cookin' Mama and Gourmet Chef Santa are cooking up a storm.

While some have stayed close to home to enjoy their Christmas, others have ventured far and wide. And none more so than the Lake Fisher and Playful Parasol...

North Pole at The Garlic Tree

They've trekked all the way to the North Pole to pay the bearded one a visit. It's so busy up here that most animals are frozen over (see the Ice Bear and Ice Penguin). Only a select few creatures really thrive in these conditions, and fortunately the Lake Dog and Frisbee Dog are among them. They're fascinated by the Ice Penguin ('will you play Frisbee with me?' asks the Frisbee Dog!) but also the Giant Snowman which is waddling around in its Santa hat and woollen scarf.

The Christmas Reindeer are also excellent survivors of the extreme temperatures, and one even fancies taking up that request for a game of Frisbee. The adult reindeer are a little preoccupied though - they're stationed at the Reindeer Grove and awaiting the green light to guide the sleigh and bring smiles to the face of children all around the world. It's a big responsibility, but without the man in red they're stuck. And he's nowhere to be seen!

Actually, that's not completely true. For one day only, Santa Claus has taken some time out to visit The Garlic Tree.

Santa's workshop at The Garlic Tree

It's a great honour to have such a big celebrity at my restaurant, especially so close to Christmas. But that's just the kind of guy he is. Our Christmas Visitor has brought the North Pole HQ with him, and consequently there are scores of gifts waiting to be handed out to those who have been good this year. Bella Beekeeper is next in the queue and can expect to be on the nice list. Not so confident of the Jock's chances.

Will Bella get a Mini Golf set? Maybe a Holiday Bear or Cotton Candy Machine? If she's really fortunate she may pick up a Watering Can! Only Santa and his pointy-eared pals can decide that, but what's for sure is that Bella will have a photo to remember the day that she met Santa. Manager Phoebe is all set with her Old Fashioned Camera and is getting a good shot of every lucky soul who gets to sit on the knee of an icon.

 Recent posts from The Garlic Tree
 01/12/17 Thanksgiving 2017
 29/10/17 Halloween 2017
 02/09/17 TGT Presents ... Nineteen Years Later
 05/08/17 Fifth anniversary party
 02/07/17 Annual revamp

And that, ladies and gentleman, concludes my tour of The Garlic Tree this Christmas. With Santa stopping by I couldn't have asked for more! I don't think there's any seasonal theme I enjoy decorating for more than Christmas, and that fact stood the test again this year. There's been some superb festive content down the years in Restaurant Story which really makes decking the halls so much fun!

And it appears I'm not alone in feeling that way based on some of what I've seen. Tomorrow I'll demonstrate my point by bringing you a glimpse inside the walls of five of my neighbours' diners which have each been wonderfully crafted into a winter wonderland. Until then readers, have a truly magical Christmas!

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